February 4, 2013

A magical snow day!

Everything magical happens on a snow day right? Ha ha, see that's what I thought, but it isn't so much fun when you are 26 weeks pregnant, and love your job so much that being away from it kind of stinks. It is so funny how I always want school to be canceled, but when it actually is I think of all the things my class could have gotten done, how much we're going to need to make up, and what I am going to do with out my kiddos for the day. Here are my snow day adventures for ya.

First Jason and I both got to sleep in... until 7 ish. Then we just had to get up because I was getting all kinds of calls from the district to assure me that the schools were in fact closed. Every half hour my cell phone would go off with either someone from my school calling, or a recording from the district. I love how our sleeping in is never passed 7 unless we are super lucky. Then again I have a very active little boy in my tummy who seems to always hate it when I'm trying to sleep. It think he is training for some kind of marathon during that time.

Once we were up, we made a big delicious breakfast, got all snugly on the couch, and Jason played his XBOX for the next couple of hours. I'm starting to think that maybe it wasn't such a good idea to get him a toy for his birthday... I suddenly got a burst of energy (which doesn't happen to often) and started cleaning our house like mad. I was a little sad when I suddenly got really tired again and hadn't even made it to the kitchen. Well... that's when I got to take a nap. Jason left for work, and I laid on the couch for some much needed sleep, at least that is what my body was telling me, not so much Carter. I actually slept with out getting up to go pee, or getting kicked in the stomach, for 4 whole hours! It was wonderful, but once awake I still had no energy. What do you do when your body is way to tired to do anything? Well, you talk on the phone and lay around of course. I got to talk to my best friend Kyra for an hour, tried working out (didn't last too long, maybe 20 min), and thought of ideas for dinner.  Don't worry though, I actually made dinner!

Standing out in the snow :)
The rest of the night was spent watching Jason play ward basketball, and actually planning some lessons. I was mighty thankful for 10:00 pm to come around, when we could climb into bed again. Now it is Saturday, and I think it might be a repeat of yesterday... we're having some friends come over for desert and games though, so maybe it will be a little more exciting :) Have a wonderful weekend!

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