January 30, 2014

January in Review

Well, it has been awhile…

A couple of weeks ago I wrote the most profound, the most exciting, and the most awesome post; (it really wasn't that good, but I got excited because it was pretty good for me) it would have brought tears to your eyes. I thought wow, I am finally getting OK at this writing thing. I made the huge mistake of just typing it out real fast, (not on Word) and just as I clicked publish…. ZAP! It was gone. I freaked out!!! It took me Carter’s whole morning nap for me to write it… grrrr!!!!! Well, I vowed never to write again (not really, just decided to do it another time and try to be as awesome as the last). A couple of days after my little mishap, Carter got really sick :( and all my energy went to him. Now HE’S BETTER yay! And never once did he lose that adorable smile of his. He is a very happy sick baby surprisingly.

Well, instead of trying to match the awesomeness of my last post, I have decided to just be silent and let the pictures tell the story. Enjoy our January in review (WITH PICTURES!!!!) :)

WARNING: Pretty much all pictures are of our sweet little baby. We are kind of obsessed!

My sweet little helper... he likes to help with out asking

He's a shy guy :)

His reaction when he found out about his baby cousin! Congrats Aunt Siehara and Uncle Andres!!!

Went shopping in Utah for some clothes that fit

sick but still smiling :)

50 degrees out! Of course we played outside!

Must be feeling better :)

Out in the sunshine... 9 month photo shoot!

Can you believe he's 9 months?!

Super smily little man :)

He liked sitting in the chair!


He has 6 pearly whites already!!

Soaking up some sun
His favorite activities include... bathing

helping mom with laundry...

destroying the kitchen!

Rocking out with a spoon
Playing blocks with Daddy!
Eating bananas

and eating anything in his new high chair! 

Daddy got his braces off!!!

Carter got a zillion new clothes from a friend!

Me after a long day of taking care of my boys :)
 So there you have it. A wonderful month in this little family chilling in Spring Creek NV (with only one weekend in Utah ha ha) :)

January 14, 2014

Happy Birthday Old Man!

Yep that's right... Jason had yet another birthday in the year 2013 and became another year older! It was a pretty awesome birthday that we got to spend with family, friends, and even had time to our selves. His most recent aging wish... to go swimming with Carter in Twin Falls. Happy Birthday Jason Osborn! We sure love you lots!
Jason's cake this year was a sundae! YUM!

 Blowing out his candle

and the


of presents!

The only gift he got from me... oops

Our little man on the way to Twin Falls

Totally ready to swim!

Daddy was so excited to swim :)

Carter loved the water!

Mom even went swimming and Carter loved that too!

Our sweet little family enjoying our New Year's Eve/ Birthday dinner.

January 7, 2014

Carter's First Christmas!

I had always heard that children bring the greatest joy in this life. I used to think I knew that was true, my students could be stinkers some times, but they always gave me so much joy. When I had Carter however, I didn't just think it was true, I knew it was true. Every day is a testament to that as I watch my little man grow up. You can not experience this much joy nor understand how children give so much joy, until you have children of your very own. 

Firsts have been so fun with Carter! His first bath, his first tooth, his first time crawling, his first time trying to walk, his first time climbing into the dish washer, oh how I love all of them! His first Christmas was something we were able to experience, and I don't think I have ever had so much fun!!! It's so awesome when you are mommy and daddy!

He loved his stocking!

What a cutie!

Chillin with Aunt Kira and his "spear" <3

"My first Christmas"

He loved what Santa got him!

Getting ready to climb the mountain of presents

He got so many fun things! 
He was excited for everyone and everything!

Can't believe he's already trying to walk!

We had a wonderful time!
Even though I'm sure he had no idea what was going on, his smiles, laughs, and little babbles told us all that he loved it! The best part about this Christmas was that I was able to understand Mary's feelings a little more. Oh how overwhelmed I bet she felt, but never doubted that she loved little baby Jesus with all of her heart. I know that God is our wonderful loving Heavenly Father, because he has given me the opportunity to feel his love through my sweet little boy. It hurts my heart to know that he is growing up so fast, but I will always have the memories! It also is a testament to me, that we will be an eternal family, and although little Carter is growing up, he will be mine forever. I hope that this year we will realized the precious time we have on earth with our families, and make the most of it! Happy reading!

January 6, 2014

This Roller Coaster Called Life Part 2

Are you ready to hear about more things going wrong? Well, these stories aren't as good as forgetting my ID when I knew we were flying, or almost missing our flights. Some sad things happened, making our trip to the Tri-Cities for Christmas pushed further back.

While Jason was in Denver and Carter and I were chilling in Salt Lake, Jason found that a really good friend of his passed away. He was a wonderful man who Jason looked up to like a father. He introduced Jason to the church, went on father son outings with him, and helped us out so much when we were first married. Rich Voise was like a father to Jason when he didn't have one and we were devastated when we heard the news. He was so young and yet his time on this earth was over. There was never a question wither we would go to the funeral or not, even if it was going to be in Montana.

We were only home for a couple of days, and I was crazy busy trying to get things done. We decided Jason would attend the funeral alone, so luckily I had a couple more days to finish Christmas gifts, finish Christmas Cards (since we were sick I never finished them), and pack for our week in Tri-Cities. Making gifts and cards was insane!! I thought I would have enough time, but when you have an 8 month old baby who crawls, climbs, and gets into everything, suddenly you have no free time on your hands. I hand made every single card! YIKES!! The sad thing too, was that I had all my gifts finished and ready to deliver, but then I was sick. When we returned from our trip they were all bad and disgusting, definitely not eatable, so I made more :)

Jason returned home from Montana on Sunday, and as soon as I pulled in from church, we packed the car and headed out. Luckily we have a Grandma who is a little more than half way to my parents house and willing to have us crash at their place for a night. It was fun because we were able to see my aunt, uncle, and cousins we visited in Arizona. They were there for Christmas and it was wonderful seeing them again. Once we learned that everyone was getting sick, we almost got the car and finished the journey, but a warm bed and wonderful company for the night was just too good to pass up.

Monday morning we left for the Tri-Cities and I could hardly wait for Christmas to get here! Not only was in Carter's first Christmas, but we were home doing all of our family traditions. We played games, passed Carter around (everyone is in love with him lol), visited with friends, watched movies, and attended another funeral. My great aunt had passed away. To support my dear sweet grandpa we all attended her funeral. The family members that attended filled almost the whole church. They opened the back for any friends who attended. Although I hate funerals and they are never any fun, we left with a good feeling and an opportunity to see family members we hadn't seen in quite some time. Now we are hoping for no funerals for a while. Poor Jason had been to 3 in less than 2 months!

After our week in the Tri-Cities, we were sad to have to go. I was honestly a little depressed to return home to the middle of no where with out another trip planned for at least 1.5 weeks. Taking down decorations (that we really never got to enjoy), doing laundry, and unpacking has of course kept me busy. I love having Carter all to myself too, because he is the sweetest little human being and gives me the love I need. I love being his mom! Here are a few pictures of him getting ready for Christmas :)
What a big boy! He loved our little Christmas Tree :)

Just enjoying the Christmas Devotional

Wearing his new PJs

Riding in the car to Grandma's house

Oh the things that keep little boys entertained :)