July 14, 2014

Radiation: Week 2

My favorite sound ever, is Carter’s laugh while he and his daddy play basketball in the living room with a big bouncy ball and a laundry basket! Oh how very blessed I am to hear this sound so often.

It has been an eventful week, and I am happy to say… 9 treatments down only 16 more to go!!! There is so much to update you on!

The Fourth of July

We had a wonderful 4th filled with lots and lots of FIREWORKS! For the first time ever we went all out, and ended up going to my brother-in-law’s sister’s house four a BBQ and awesome firework show. We all had many, many fireworks and took turns letting them fly. We were almost certain Carter and I would be watching all the fun from the window, but Carter surprised us all. After lots of crying and cringing from the loud fireworks days before, he loved watching the beautiful colors blast loudly in the sky on the 4th of July. I think Jason was relieved he didn’t have a little son who was scared of such loud, big, things.

Carter with Daddy watching the fireworks!
Carter with Mommy watching the fireworks!
Our little family <3

My treatments this week haven’t been too bad. Except for being a little nauseous with a head ache afterwards, I’ve been doing pretty well. I love that I go in to the cancer center at the same time every day, because I get to know so many wonderful people there. My therapists are so much fun and love to laugh and joke around with me. They always ask about cute little Carter, and laugh at all the fun little stories I get to share with them.

Tuesday we went to the zoo again, and discovered some new animals and new places. This time not only was the splash pad his favorite part, but Carter loved the small animal building. He laughed, yelled, and giggled at the muskrats that came right up to the window to peek at him. He thought the porcupines were oh so very interesting, and I think the thing he loved most is that they were all at his level. He ran to each window pointing and having a ball. Jason and I just loved to watch our little man get so very excited about the neat looking little creatures.
Daddy and Carter at the zoo (he wouldn't look at the camera)
Carter and mommy at the splash pad, it was so hot!!

Saturday our good friends from Logan UT invited us to their cute little girl’s birthday party at the zoo! We are so glad for our season pass, otherwise this trip to Utah would have been a lot more expensive than it already has been. After the zoo we went to a nearby park to celebrate and Carter got to hit his very first piñata!! We were so happy to not only see our friends and spend the day with them, but we were so happy to share such a special time with them and have another one of Carter’s firsts!
Carter's first pinata!


It is so interesting that as we go through hard times, we are able to see the wonderful blessings that our Heavenly Father has given us. They didn’t seem to be so special until something drastic changed our lives forever. I am so very thankful that I have such a wonderful family to keep me smiling through this time. I am so thankful for a wonderful husband who has been so willing to take my place for a little bit to be Mr. Mom. I am also so very thankful for modern medicine, wonderful doctors, and that my experience has been so very pleasant. We have continued to be filled with love and concern from family, friends, and even complete strangers. I know our Father never leaves us while we are going through hard times, he is even closer than he has ever been to us. For all these things, I can never thank my Heavenly Father enough! Have a happy week! J
Carter with his cousin... they had a little play date

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