August 20, 2013

A weekend full of firsts

This weekend was actually quite exciting, even though we did just end up staying here. Not the exciting that you experience at an amusement park, but the exciting that comes from having children. This weekend marked many of little Carter's firsts! Every little new thing they do is so much fun!

Friday was Carter's doctors appointment. He was weighed, measured, stuck with needles, and handed back to us. That little man is so brave though and he took everything like a champ. I might be just a little selfish when I say I like it when he gets shots because he's so cuddly, but really I hate them because they make my poor little baby miserable. We basically cuddled on the couch all day and I had to drug him to help him with the pain, but it was actually a pretty enjoyable day. 

Saturday we had an exciting adventure with our lawn mower running out of gas, but we made the excuse to go into town for some much needed socialization, shopping, and fixing of Jason's car. While in Elko, we ate at a new place, bought my first cricuit cartridge, bought bumpers for Carter's crib, got him a bumbo, and some rice cereal! I could hardly wait to feed Carter his first solid food! 

After our busy day in town, we decided a walk would be refreshing. We go on a walk almost every night and it has become part of our routine, so because of all Carter's firsts, we decided why not put him in his stroller for the first time with out his car seat attached. Boy did he look small, but he loved being able to see where we were going and stayed awake the whole time. I think that going for walks from now on will be his favorite thing to do.
He looks so tiny
That night we finally fed Carter his first meal, and he loved it! It was so fun and so messy, so I'm glad we waited to give him his bath after. It has become a part of his routine now, and I'm pretty sure his favorite part of the day is eating his rice cereal :) That same night we also put Carter in his own room for the first time over night! His room is all the way on the other side of the house and so I have found every excuse not to have him in there yet. Once the crib went up, bumpers went in, Jason said it was time and he was right. Needless to say I did not sleep very well that whole night, but our little Carter bug was just fine snuggled in his crib in his own room!

Mom feeding Carter :)

Sunday was a very relaxing day with the highlight being rice cereal again. He also experienced his first power outage! We didn't have power for about 2 hours probably because some lightning. We were very thankful when it came back on before it got really dark.

Monday we had FHE. That was quite eventful, because Carter had his first massive blowout while we were on a walk 3 miles from home. It was delightful, and I'm pretty sure he enjoyed the part where he played in it. It was bath night all over again for him, but I don't think he liked the part where we put him in the shower with his clothes on and hosed him down. Oh the joys of pooping children :)

Now Carter and I are just hanging out with Carter's very first fever from teething. He is also going to have his very first play date at our house tonight. I just hope he's not a grump. Happy Tuesday!

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