April 23, 2013

I'm a mommy!!!

Wow time has magically disappeared, and suddenly I find myself at home chillin with the sweetest little boy… and he’s mine! What a miracle to actually have him here on earth with us. I love him!

It is a pretty wild story as to how he got here...

It was April 9th and I started having major contractions. I thought oh wow, I think he is coming soon!!! I started cleaning the house like crazy, packed my hospital bag, we set up his bassinet and got everything ready at home. I thought for sure my water would break, we would go in that evening and have us a little boy before dinner the next day. Well… I finally went to bed, woke up feeling just fine, and went to work just like it was a normal day. I worked like crazy getting everything ready however, and had a fantastic day with my class thinking I would definitely make it to my last day on Friday. Just in case I told them if I wasn't there I’d be having my baby and that I love and will miss them.

Well… Jason worked late and so I stayed at school a little longer, said goodbye to my team, and headed home to make dinner. My sister called after I had been home for a little while, and just as I said the words “Hello” there was water all over the floor! My belly dropped and I suddenly felt my adrenaline kick in. After telling my sister, she laughed, thought I was joking, and I told her Jason wasn't home and I needed to call him right away. She took me seriously then, and so I got off the phone with her and called Jason right away. Luckily he had just left his office and was on his way home.

The rest of the night seemed like a whirl wind. Before Jason arrived at home to take me to the hospital, I packed the car (in between contractions, because they were getting way intense), my sister called to offer me a ride just in case Jason wasn't on his way home, and I even had a few minutes to talk to my mom. I honestly thought, oh I have 12 hours to get to the hospital, why is everyone freaking out telling me we need to get there? Well, Jason came home, we went to the hospital, and by that time my contractions were so intense I wasn't sure I could handle them. After lots of paperwork and questions, an epidural was put in (most amazing decision I made by the way) and Carter came out within 2 hours! The feeling I had once I saw him was incredible! I could not believe that little thing came out of me!!! I’m so thankful I have such a wonderful husband to go through that experience with me. He is incredible and I couldn't have done it without him.

We are home now, and doing so well. Carter is 2 weeks old already and almost sleeps through the night! We have had many laughs with this little boy including getting peed on and pooped on. I thought I would go crazy staying home all day without working, I kind of have, but just one little look at him and I’m so glad I can be home with him. He melts my heart. I can hardly wait for the adventures that await our little family in the future!

Born 11:18 pm 7lbs 1 oz
Birth isn't so fun...

look at that cute chubby face! <3

With mommy

Getting ready to go home :)

Meeting Grandma
Home from the hospital!

With Daddy!

My sweet angel <3

What newborns do :)

Chillin with Dad

My little smiling caterpillar :)

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