August 3, 2016

A Broken Heart

We said goodbye to our little girl almost 3 weeks ago, as we laid her to rest. I thought I'd already experienced the most painful event if my life, having her pass away and giving her body to a complete stranger. Little did I know, that burying her sweet little body would be more difficult. It was more of a final goodbye to her in this life, and it shattered my heart. Although I know I'll see her again, my arms and heart ache to hold her again. To hear her little grunts, cries, and see her sweet smile. Is she really gone?
I often miss those days I got to hold and cuddle her in the hospital
Friday July 9th, was the first time we saw our angel since that day we held her lifeless body in the hospital. Walking up to her, holding the dress she would wear for the last time, was so hard. The tears came pouring down my face and once I touched her freezing cold skin, something was different. This beautiful little body was no longer the baby we tried so hard to have. She wasn't the wiggly little girl who kicked her legs with excitement when we talked to her. She wasn't our little girl who wanted to be held and cuddled all the time. Her spirit was gone, and it was as if we were dressing a doll. 

The first night she was home. She was so tiny, these newborn jammies were so big!
Saturday morning, her viewing with our family, seemed so surreal. I felt like a zombie and tried so hard not to feel. It hurt too much. My sister created a video of our sweet angel and had it playing in the background. Jason and I both lost it. It was as if we were saying goodbye to our baby all over again. The words of Rachel Platton song, A Better Place, pulled at my heart. This world was truly a better place with our baby here. Although we don’t have many memories of her, her absence still haunts me. I miss her so much.

I was so excited to take all her monthly pictures to see how she grew and changed. 

The weeks after her passing have been far harder than I could ever imagine. Nights are the hardest, and I often find myself waking in the middle of the night to feed her and painfully remember she is no longer with us. I long to feel her close, but know she is doing a more important work than comforting her grieving mother. She is touching lives on the other side of the veil. What a blessing friends and family are, they have kept me busy, and I have felt an out pouring of love. It has made the pain seem distant for just a little bit. I have especially appreciated the advice I have gotten from other mothers who have experienced the loss of a child. My Aunt, who also lost a precious baby girl, told me that the pain will never really get better. You just simply stop thinking about them so often. First it’s every second, then every minute, every hour, every day, every week, and soon you won’t think of her as much, but the pain will still be there every time.

My absolute favorite pic of these two <3

It has been a little hard to even be out and about in Utah. There are many people who have heard of our sweet Shanna, and they always pay their respects. I appreciate their kind words, but at the same time it’s another reminder that she is no longer with us. That my nightmare was real and it will be a long time until I can hold my Shanna girl again. I was relieved to be getting out of town and going to a family reunion. The timing couldn’t have been any better. I didn’t realize however, that her absence would still follow me there. Even packing the car was very hard for me.

Our little family.

I had my first melt down in public. I couldn’t stop the tears, and I couldn’t get her out of my head. My heart was aching and I needed her to be there in my arms. Being around babies hasn’t’ really been that hard, but being surrounded is another story. I attended church at my brother’s ward in Washington, and as we walked to Sunday School… I suddenly found myself surrounded by parents holding their sweet little babies. Jason was also holding my 10 month old niece, and I had to get out. It took almost an hour to stop the tears. I have tried so hard not to fall apart in public. That is what the nights are for.

Carter was given to us first for a reason I think. He has helped us through this grieving process so much. This experience has also taught me, that I have been given so much! Carter has been my best friend for so long, and he continues to be. Every day he tells me he loves me, and I get lost in those eyes lol. He reminds me that Shanna can still see us, and that we will see her again.

She loved to stretch her arms out and grunt. Sometimes I can still hear her little noises.

I apologize for being so depressing. In all of this, there is a silver lining. This whole experience has reminded me over and over, that God is my loving Heavenly Father. He has a plan and he sees the entire picture. He knows what I need to experience and go through in this life. What’s wonderful is that I am not alone in going through it. My Savior Jesus Christ, knows exactly how I feel. He understands every trigger, every irrational bout of sobbing, he died that I might be reunited with my baby again. I know it will be hard, but I also know that it will be worth it. I promise my posts to come will be more uplifting. Until next time, thank you for your prayers. We are loved, and I know and feel it every day. 


  1. I want to say how admirable I have found you and your strength in all you have had to endure. Your entry is not depressing. It is honest and raw. It is life, love and pain and you have had the courage to show it isn't always easy it isn't always fun and games sometimes it's OK to say this really sucks and it hurts but i know I'll make it through cause that is what this life is about. You have so much courage to be so exposed to all those who know you and follow you. Don't apologize and don't be afraid to show your human and yes sometimes that can be the worst feeling ever when you just want to hurry and make it to the other side to hold your sweet little baby girl again. I'm sure it feels like that day may never come soon enough. She is a blessed little girl to have such a strong and courageous mother and I'm sure she is watching you with admiration and so proud to call you her mother. Thank you so much for allowing us all to follow your journey and to grow in faith and to realize never to give up. God bless you and your family!

  2. This wasn't depressing, and I don't think you should feel the need to make your posts more uplifting. This is a tragedy no one should have to go through, and the grief is beyond real. Know that we all love you, and don't need you to put on a brave face for us. We see your strength, courage and testimony in all you do. Cry, mourn and let the tears flow freely. So much love to you - Tiahna

  3. Don't you feel bad for expressing your thoughts for one minute. Writing is a good outlet and in a large part is what kept me sane through the 7 years of hell. That and a wonderful support group of friends I found online. I love you and think of you all the time . It's so much better to cry and let it out than to keep it inside. I too had a public meltdown, in church, in front of gregs family and his sisters ward. Not fun. Not fun at all. But it is what it is . Again I love you !

  4. Don't you feel bad for expressing your thoughts for one minute. Writing is a good outlet and in a large part is what kept me sane through the 7 years of hell. That and a wonderful support group of friends I found online. I love you and think of you all the time . It's so much better to cry and let it out than to keep it inside. I too had a public meltdown, in church, in front of gregs family and his sisters ward. Not fun. Not fun at all. But it is what it is . Again I love you !

  5. My heart goes out to you and Jason and Carter for your terrible loss. I agree with Heidi and Tiahna, echoing their words. She wouldn't have meant anything to you if you don't grieve her. Of course you know there is a beautiful ending, but you have to live through the middle first, and it's so courageous of you to share your truth. Your folks moved into Riverview Ward where we are now, I hope to see you some time! Sending lots of love and comfort for your tears and sleepless nights. love always, Carol Conrad

  6. This entry is not depressing at all. Like your Aunt put it, the pain will always be there. I just read about your loss of the quads and then found out about Shanna, and then wanted to read more about your story and her story. I do want to know more about her CHD. Words cannot express my empathy for you. I know this doesn't cut it, but I am so deeply sorry you, as a mother, had to endure so much pain. You have lost 5 babies. Five daughters. You've been through so much. You will be reunited with them again. God has a plan for you. You are touching so many lives. You have touched mine. God Bless you, your husband, your son and your family

  7. Anonymous6/26/2017

    You faith in God is miraculous. I read the posts of your 4 daughters before these and wow. This post was not depressing it shows mourning. God is crying right along with you. You've said this is the greatest pain you have felt, I can't even imagine how your feeling with the loss of the girls now. You are living proof that with God all things are possible. Your son is blessed to have you and your husband as parents. Thankyou for sharing your true pain and not hiding it, God is healing you with every tear you drop and bottling them up for you. Thank you for your testimony,so true and raw. Blessings
    I will admit this scripture causes confusion, how can we have joy in what you have gone through? With God that's how. Does not seem possible, but I hear it in your writing, when you talk about the 3 musketeers. Because of Jesus dying on the cross you have joy and you give him your sorrows. Only God can heal that broken heart.
    Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
    James 1:2‭-‬3 NIV
