Our last day in Colorado. |
Recently we just got back from an epic trip to
Colorado! We were able to visit some family we absolutely LOVE and have missed
so much. It was a grand adventure taking 3 kiddos on a flight in the middle of
a pandemic, at the crack of darkness. They actually did great on the flight
there, except for a little motion sickness and tears, we made it in one piece.
Callie and Daxton checking out the chickens
Did I mention there was a pig too?
 | All the "big" kids. Callie and Koda were being held.
I was so happy that these two finally met! |
Our last day in Colorado.
| In all our years in Utah, we never saw Arches
National Park, and so we took the fantastic opportunity and spent our Sunday
enjoying one of many of God’s Creations. Callie and Dax LOVED having the
freedom of walking around! It was pretty awesome when it tuckered them out too. |
Exploring Arches National Park
I sure love these kids!
Carter by balance rock with his buddy!
I don’t know if any of you have visited the incredibly
beautiful state of Colorado, but there is SO MUCH to do and see! Our trip consisted
of cards games, hiking, experiencing life in the middle of nowhere, and the breath-taking
views of a beautiful world. We ate delicious food, stayed up late, and soaked
in time with family. I’m so thankful for wonderful trips like these, where we
create memories with people we cherish. Thank Tressa and Kyle for putting up
with us and our family shenanigans. We love you!
She loved sliding down the slide at the park! |
Love this little boy!
He can hardly wait to get back to the classroom for face to face learning.
Virtual learning has been hard for this energetic second grader. He has told me
every day how much he just wants to talk and interact with his class mates in
person. Poor kid only has a 2-year-old brother and an 18-month-old sister to
play with when he's not in class. We have awesome new neighbors that always
want to play and have fun with him, but it just isn't the same as playing with
kids your own age.
Carter started football with 2 of his buddies, and his daddy is the assistant
coach. It's fun to see him get so excited for something. He also started taking
piano lessons, and I often think about how I should have never quit playing.
I'm excited for him to have things in his life that keep him excited!
Is this not the cutest smile you've ever seen?!
This crazy little boy has my heart. He is super sweet at times and has a feisty
side to him. He's very mischievous, because his curiosity can't be turned off.
We've been working with a speech therapist to get him talking more, and it has
been so fun to see the leaps and bounds he is making. Even though he turns our
house upside down, I thank my Heavenly Father every day for him! He is a miracle
we prayed for, and continually count our blessing that he is ours for eternity!
This little boy... He has my heart! |
Oh my heart ❤ |
This sweet, sassy girl, is our little
princess. She has everyone wrapped around precious finger. She just keeps growing
up and making the world the place she wants it to be. Her vocabulary consists
of mama. hi, hey, yeah, tickle, and every word in baby gibberish you can think
of. I love this phase with my sweet little girl, but every time she goes down
for bed… I just want her to wake up the same age she is. She’s growing out of
her wanting mama all the time stage, and has started wanting her daddy. Although
I love that she loves her daddy, I just want her to keep wanting me all the
I was so sad she didn't have a dress, but she is still so beautiful!
This little girl LOVES aniimals
These boys <3 |
This man has been working hard on all things
backyard. In the span of a week, he put in sprinklers, sod, rubber mulch, and just
yesterday finished a walkway to our pool. He has blown me away with not only
all of his work, but the fact that he spends time with his kids after work, and
works long into the night after they have gone down. It could be because I’ve
complained a whole lot in the past, but honestly, I think it is just because he
knows how hard I work during the day. He’s a keeper and I love him with all of
my heart!
Bird's eye view of our backyard coming together!
This is the amazing work of a hard working man!
Coach Clarissa
I kind of miss my long hair...
Well, I think this is the first time I have actually
written down my title as “Coach Clarissa,” but it is something that I have
really enjoyed. Becoming a health and wellness coach was never something I ever
saw myself being. Health, fitness, nutrition, all of these things have always
been a curiosity of my, but with all the stuff that’s out there…I quickly
turned my head and did my own thing. The program I am a coach for, encompasses
all the areas of health, and what’s amazing, is that it educates you on the way
you need to fuel your body, mind, and spirit. I love the fact that I get to
help people on their journey in this life. So many wonderful, incredible,
individuals, has stretched out their hands for me to grasp on to through times
when I really needed it. I feel like this crazy Corona pandemic has really hit
some people hard, and they are realizing just how precious life is. We are only
given one life to live, why not make it the best life EVER?!
Taking family photos and capturing precious moments
Besides health and wellness coaching, I have
been loving on my kids like no one’s business! I have never had the energy to
roll around on the floor with them and take silly pictures with them, I’ve
always been quick to react to their messes, annoyed by their curious questions,
and exhausted from the things that I thought were inconveniences, I have been
that mom that doesn’t always see how wonderful her children are. Well now, we
run around the house playing tag, we eat messy things, we have a house that is
very lived in, and I feel like I have so much more to say about my day to Jason
than, “I am so glad you are home! Here’s your children, have fun!” I am
actually excited for Carter to be on Thanksgiving break, so we can play instead
of fight over homework assignments. I feel like I am finally becoming the mom I
always wanted to be! The one who loves on her children fiercely and has so many
memories to share with them. Sure, I care about the cleanliness of my house,
but only after sweet spirits are dreaming. I hope you have all found something
to love, and something to be grateful for during this crazy year! Look past the
darkness and into the light that this hard time has shined on your life! Thanks
for listening to my babbling, and I truly hope these words find you with peace and
hope in your heart! Happy Thanksgiving week!!
Nothing like snapchat with your baby! |
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