Is it just me, or does it seem like time keeps speeding up? I feel as though I just wrote about our crazy fun September, and now I'm looking at November and wondering how October could have come and gone?! My babies are growing up, I seem to suddenly have wrinkles, and 2019 is the last year of this decade. How did we all not realize this until now?!
October didn't disappoint! It was full of General Conference for the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, fun traditions and sharing them with friends, hosting parties, setting new goals, experiencing what it's like to be a single parent, still trying to figure out parenting with 2 babies and a 6 year old, leaving bags in trains, gas leaks and lost cell phones, trying to workout crazy schedules so everyone feels loved and thought of, sleepless nights, cold trick or treating, and in all the craziness, trying to training for a half marathon. Top that with wheater that likes to play with you, and you have our October in a nut shell.
Our family before tick or treating
I'm not even sure where to start. I'm sure that's only a benefit for those incredible people write posts every week and make sure to remember every detail. That was my hope and wish when I started this blog, but that quickly slipped through my fingers with all the crazy that has happened to us within the last few years. I have lots of lame excuses, but in the end, I know I can always do better.
I guess first of, I'll talk about this thing called being crazy and loving to run. I'm not addicted to the actual running part, but the feeling after is worth the struggle. It makes me feel so accomplished, so excited that I set a goal and blew it out of the water! It's one thing I can do for me, and that makes all the difference! However, I have found it is very difficult to fit running in, when you have 2 babies, one of which has regressed from sleeping through the night. Another who loves his little sister so much and is so curious about her, that they have to be supervised at all times or someone ends up getting hurt. When you have an incredible husband with a huge heart, that wants to help everyone by volunteering his limited time with his family, and when where you live is still 90 degrees. All these elements make it tough and I have done my best so far, but sadly feel very unprepared for a half marathon race.
I don't usually write parallels to life and gospel topics, but with General Conference kicking off October, I find these parallels almost everyday. We were given a great plan before any of us were brought down to earth. We had a choice to come down to earth, gain a body, and run the hardest race of our lives, or go against the plan and stay in spirit form and follow Satan to put huge bumps in that plan and try to have us give up. When we got here, some of us where given the training plan and all the instructions we needed on how to run an incredible successful race, with the prize given to any who tried their very best. We did not know the course before hand, but some people started studying those plans, and putting workouts into action. We are all asked to perform our very best, but we often fall short. We miss getting in workouts (studying the scriptures, going to the temple, doing those primary answers), then when we are asked on the spot to do a long run, we stumble, we fall, or we end up walking. Once we repent however, we have the option to try to do better. As we try our best, repent and commit to doing better everyday, the race we are called to run becomes so much easier. We can feel our savior nearer as he gives us that little bit of power we still need as we continually fall short. I've had many spiritual runs in my life that I've struggled to get through, but I've always tried my best. With my up coming physical race in November, I can only hope that my best is enough. Here's to hoping I finish my training strong!
Some updates about my beautiful family
A new conference tradition, healthy cinnamon rolls! |
This is what a little boy with a huge heart looks like. He has been such a great help with taking care of his little brother and sister. Losing teeth has been his thing lately, and we're a little sad he won't be singing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!" In December. Carter has been doing awesome in school and gets excited when he reaches his goal of high scores in behavior for the week. He finished his first soccer season with a bang and can't wait to be on another team. I love how loving and sweet he is with his baby brother and sister, and how much he likes to share with others. One day after Daxton turned our stove top to lite and filled our house with propane gas, me noticing hours later, we spent a good chuck of our afternoon at the park. As we left, he lovingly ran up to a little girl he was playing with and gave her his toy car. Carter is always thinking of others and how he can brighten their day.
One of my favorite smiles |
My crazy little buddy |
He is the reason we are always smiling and laughing. He has a crazy personality that makes us all love him even more. October was his 14th month of life and being in our family. Time has slowed down it seems, when we realize how small he is. He still fits in 6 month clothes, can pull himself up on furniture, but has no signs of walking on his own anytime soon. We love that he blows kisses at us, gives frequent raspberries even if it's just on your hand, and expresses himself in the cutest baby language. If only we could understand the things he tells us. Our family would not be complete without this little one.
Oh my heart<3 |
He has conquered the stairs! |
our pretty girl |
Our little princess. She's already in 6-9 month clothes like Daxton, and has the chunkiest legs. She's always smiling and loves to laugh. I often catch myself feeling so grateful for this beautiful tiny human I have the honor of raising. Her sweet personality radiates through her sweet face, and one little glance in her direction will win you a heart melting smile. She is a little behind in motor skills and gets frustrated when she can roll on her tummy, but can't get back on her back, but we can hardly wait until she's crawling around with her big brother Dax. We hope one day she'll start sleeping through the night again, but until then... we're still happy we have a baby girl to get up with.
That little smile |
My big girl is 5 months! |
We all love our daddy |
You know, when I first met Jason I didn't really pay attention to him. I was already spoken for and took him for an admirer of my roommate. A year after first meeting him, I suddenly felt very drawn to him. It wasn't because if his good looks, but because I could tell that he was an incredible person, who had had a hard run in life, but didn't see it that way. He has a huge heart and loves volunteering his time to help others. He's been able to go to a few important meetings regarding the company Nestle, and was spoiled for 4 days in DC. It is always when he leaves, that I realize how wonderful it is to have him home. He's rocking it at learning piano for the first time, and I think it's awesome that he's taking lessons with Carter. We all love this special man of ours.
We said goodbye to a great missionary |
I love my sweet princess |
With the craziness of raising 2 babies at completely different stages, I've decided to stop teaching for a little while until things get a little easier. I started a 90 day challenge with a friend to end this decade better than I started mentally, emotionally, and physically. When I have time, I train for the half marathon I have coming up in the middle of November. I'm really nervous, but excited for my adventure on Catalina island. I actually never knew California had Islands. I am so blessed with wonderful friends and often find myself wrangling babies with one of them. I enjoy hosting parties, but always feel relieved when the party is over. If I could master having a clean house while playing with my kiddos, my life would be complete. Here's to another month of wonderful adventures!
Why my life is crazy<3 |
The cutest little unicorn there ever was |
Our little Maui (his tattoos took forever!) |
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