What a great week it has been! We were able to go on a family trip to get some fresh air and new scenery. We had a lot of fun, and now have tons of memories to look back on. We left last Friday morning and came home yesterday, back to reality and life as we know it. Sometimes I wish vacations could last forever! They always go by so fast!
Friday we arrived at our camp site at the Grand Teton National Forest. We had a sweet set up with not having to bring a tent. Something called a tent cabin was all set up and waiting for us. We stayed there until Sunday morning, and we had a blast. Carter and Jason got to swim at the lake (while I got to watch), we all went to a fish hatchery, and we even got to check out Jackson Hole for the first time ever. It's a really neat mountain town in Wyoming, and it's super expensive. That's probably because they get a ton of visitors, lots of tourists.
Carter being silly on our long drive. |
My cute little boy |
Our little family at one of the stops on the way |
Carter at the swim beach. |
After dinner, it got cold. |
Jackson Hole antler arch |
Carter found a moose! |
At the swim beach. |
My boys, and the view! |
Our camping trip was great, and I was a little sad to have to share my cute little family with more family. But it turned out to be awesome and I love visiting my cousin! When we got to Idaho Falls we discovered a super cool park, ate a pic nic lunch, and then got super wet in the water (at least Carter did ha ha). The next few days consisted of visiting Rexburg/BYU Idaho (our old stomping grounds), eating frozen yogurt and Italian ice, loving on some cute kiddos, late nights of playing games, having a birthday party, a fourth of July parade, and watching an awesome firework show. All in all we had a super good time!
Jason, just chillin in the park. |
Carter, not looking at the camera, little stinker |
Carter and daddy checking out the park. |
Carter playing with the birthday boy |
Parade time! Carter didn't want to take a picture. |
Photo bomber! |
Carter isn't a fan of loud noises. That's what parades are made of.
My cousin! She's awesome! |
I was hoping for a little relief from the grief of losing our sweet girls. Of course there were fleeting moments when I wasn't thinking about how much our life has changed in just one year, but those moments were tender mercies for me. To just feel normal for even a second can be a huge relief. It's the nights that are the most hard for me. My mind is always racing, thinking about the day we met our little girls, and the days we had to say goodbye. Shanna popped into my head a lot too, while we were in Idaho. Last year we had her with us. We never would have thought she'd be called to her Heavenly home only days later. This time of year will always be so hard for me.
Visiting family, and being able to focus on them and their lives helped a ton. Isn't it funny how focusing on someone else helps us forget about ourselves? If you've never tried it, you should. It's therapy for the body, mind, and soul. Speaking of focusing on others, we were able to have a great experience today. Random Acts helped us out so much before, when we thought we would be taking our baby girls
home. They gave us the opportunity to help other people and donate all the items that were given to us, to Intermountain Healing Hearts. We've been able to be a part of giving those items to families who really need them. We've been given so much, as compete strangers have reached out to us and have given us strength during this hard time in our lives. Thank you to all those inspiring people! Thank you for all the prayers that have been said on our behave as well. We have felt so much love!
We lost our little girl on July 4th this year was her fifth birthday (born sleeping). I wish I could say it gets easier but it becomes your new way of life. Have you read the story about the grand piano on the stage?
ReplyDeleteYou should reconsider putting your son in a carseat or booster with a back, he is way to small for that booster seat and extremely dangerous if you were to get into an accident. Prayers for your family
ReplyDeleteThat little boy is 4! He's by far old enough for that seat.
DeleteI agree. Children really should be in a harness until age 5y. He's not "far old enough". He's only 4 years old.
DeleteI don't believe they have a blog for your expert parenting advice. keep it to yourself. read the story, enjoy there story, and keep your opinion to your self. I don't remember them asking for it. good hell!
DeleteHe is the right size for that seat. He just isn't sitting up straight for you to see that. The transition to that seat is based on height and weight. He's plenty big enough!
DeleteA 4 year old should still be in a full 5pt harness unless s/he exceeds the maximum height or weight requirements. After that, a highback booster is a minimum. As an Emergency responder, I have seen far too many accidents where children were in seats too "old" for them and the injuries were far worse than they should have been as a result. Please consider doing some research on this. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/safety-prevention/on-the-go/Pages/Car-Safety-Seats-Information-for-Families.aspx
DeleteI really don't have words to express how much I am amazed with your strength! As a mom, my mom-heart aches for you. There will be better days ahead, though I know a chunk of your heart will always be grieving your girls, but time does help heal. Thank you for your example of strength and Grace and courage! P.S. Don't worry about the car seat comment.��
ReplyDeleteYour faith strengthens mine. What an amazing family. Both on earth and in Heaven. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and testimony. P.S. Ditto to not worrying about the car seat comment.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you were able to get away and spend time with your family. Being in nature and spending time with family has a way to help heal your heart. And you are also right, serving others helps us look outside ourselves and past the pain for a time. You and Jason have always been good at loving and helping others. Thanks for continuing to share your journey.
ReplyDeleteThe pain will last a long time, it is ok to feel that and mourn for your 5 girls. But over time the pain becomes bearable.
When I lost my last, third, baby. I felt like I was having faith, moving forward, and being strong. But there came a time-- about 4 months after I lost my little one-- that I was stuck and couldn't move forward. I was able to find a great therapist who helped me with some grief counseling. It didn't take too long, but I was FINALLY able to move past the guilt, pain, and grief.
(Just a bit of advice for your "helpful/not so helpful advice file. Something that helped me.)
I think you are doing a great job. Keep feeling, grieving, living and moving forward a step at a time. You are an amazing lady with so much faith.
ps. I ditto Megan's comment. I think Carter's booster is age appropriate and just fine. You are a wonderful mom.