October 20, 2014

A Time to Celebrate

Moments in this life are so precious. I have really felt my Heavenly Father's love for me the past year and even more so the past few weeks. I almost always get frustrated with myself however, because I have these wonderful moments, that I never want to forget, yet I always forget to write them down. This time with my little baby Carter is something I'll never get back again and I have realized how important it is to record each and every moment. I especially become sad when Jason comes home and I tell him, oh Carter did the cutest thing today... but I can't remember. Yeah, it's pretty sad.

Well, we have had quite the exciting couple of weeks in our little family. I'll start off with some super happy news! Conference weekend I had yet another doctor appointment (yay me) and this time had a lovely MRI. If you have never seen or heard what an MRI machine looks or sounds like, youtube it. It is as fun as it sounds, but this MRI was the first one I've had since I was diagnosed. Afterwards we had our little appointment with my radiation doctor and I was honestly thinking bad news. He came in however, sat down, and with no emotion whatsoever told me that my MRI looked great. After seeing some pretty sweet pictures of my brain before and the pictures that were taken that day, I wanted to scream, WHY ARE YOU NOT SHOUTING FOR JOY?! I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. It was hard to sit there during the rest of my appointment. I have been healed!!!

After finding out our news!
Now yes, I am compltely tumor free, but will need MRIs for a really long time to monitor and make sure my tumors never grow back. I was so happy that Heavenly Father did it yet again. He answered all of my endless prayers. Even if he didn't heal me completely, I know his hand is in everything that happens. Now, the only thing I would ask for is to feel better, but I think that is a very long story in of itself.

Well, to celebrate our awesome news, we spent the weekend with my sister and ate my favorite breakfast at Kneader's!! Then we listened to some much needed conference, which is always so refreshing, and Jason went to the BYU Utah State game. Yes, he left me but what can you say about men during football season? Lol, at least my man. It was so wonderful to stay with my sister, hang out with my niece and get my craft on. I was also able to make it to an old friend's wedding reception and it was beautiful! Congrats Allison Shaw :)

Now, there was another very important event that took place... my little baby grew up into a little boy. We got his hair cut, and it was so sad to see all his curls go. He really needed it though and I'm still trying to adjust. Sometimes I'll see him out of the corner of my eye and think, who's here? That certainly isn't my little man, but it is. It is so crazy how fast your kiddos grow up. I can hardly believe that he actually attended nursery for the first time last Sunday. That's why I need to write things down, so that when I'm sad and missing something, rereading the memory helps me relive it all over again. I hope all of you have had a wonderful conference weekend and weeks to follow.

Before... look at those curls!

After...he grew up!
 Well, this weekend the Osborn family did something they have never done before... family pictures! I can hardly wait to show you, but until then enjoy these two gems I found. Carter doing two of his favorite things, playing with his puppy, and playing with his potatoes. He has tried to convince however that they are in fact balls. Happy reading!

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