So... If you know Jason and I, we never thought we'd end up in Utah and like it. We thought, oh Utah, you are so fun to visit but never to live. Now I get so excited when we go back. I actually miss it there... and get so very excited we are able to visit. That's what we did this weekend, and it was amazing!
We left Thursday night and arrived in just enough time to put little Carter bug to sleep and have some quality time with my sis and her hubby. Then off we went to jump in bed and rest up for the very eventful weekend.
Friday Jason had an Ortho appointment (really the only reason we went there, that and I needed to get out of Nevada) and we made awesome plans to see our wonderful friends from Logan. While Jason was getting his teeth all tight and handsome looking, I went shopping for my nephew.... my first one! My sister in law is due August 31st with a bouncing baby boy, and we are all hoping that he comes early! It was fun to shop for him, but... I also looked at things for Carter. It's so hard not to when you have a cute little one of your own.
Once Jason was done we headed over to Liberty Park to play at the splash pad with the kiddos. I thought Carter would love every minute (he loves the shower), but I guess it's different when the water that's splashing you is really cold. He didn't last very long with daddy....
Carter and Jace getting ready to get wet! |
Before getting wet.... |
After getting wet... look at that sad little face :( |
Cute little Illianna with her daddy |
Chillin at the park :) |
After the splash pad we hit up PF Chang's and had ourselves some very delicious, very expensive food. It was fun to visit as friends and watch the cutest 2 year old play with her food. Putting her chop sticks in her cup and sucking on them like straws, was my favorite part of our dinner. We sadly had to say adios however, because Logan was a little bit of a drive for them.
After saying goodbye, we then headed over to Sheels to get some ammo for my brother in law. We got majorly side tracked (Jason did with shoes), lost on the way to find the bathroom, and day dreamed about having the money to actaully spend at that place. Since we are running a half marathon in Septemeber, Jason decided he needed shoes... after our adventure in Sheels we walked out with Brooks (shoes), ammo, and a very hungry baby.
Saturday was spent being a girl, attending a baby shower, getting my hair chopped off, buying hair dye, and spending some much needed time with the sister. For the first time it was actually wonderful to get away from my little Carter, which is so wierd for me.
Isn't he the cutest?! |
Sunday we dyed my hair, had dinner at my brother's house, and spent most of the evening in the car driving home. Carter was a great passenger as always and we got home just in time to bake in our really hot house.
Yes... I chopped off my hair :(
Being a good little boy in the car :) |
This week has started off fantastic with a trip to the doctor, blood drawn, screaming baby in the back seat, and a lovely speeding ticket with my name on it. All I can say is next week better come quickly! I hate Nevada and need another break. The end.
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