Hello there! It sure has been a long time since I've shared anything about our adventures. Every day is an adventure, but it's the craziness of life and the lack of motivation I've had lately, that has made it a little difficult to share updates and fun. Our family is surviving this crazy world we live in now, and we had many outings and adventures along the way.
Oregon Coast |
July was filled with many camping trips and exploring the area of California we live in. We've really fallen in love with this place, something I never thought would happen, but here we are. We've been up to the mountains, discovered lakes and rivers around us, high tailed it to the coast on hot days, and spent many hours in our pool. I'm not sure if we'll ever leave the central valley. It's an incredible place with incredible people!
Happy 4th at Pine Flat Lake CA
In the beginning of August, we were sad not to have our giant family reunion, but my immediate family put our heads together and planned a week on the Oregon coast. We took 2 days to road trip it there, saw awesome friends we've missed very much, and had an incredible week in a beach house all together. The week flew by with seafood, riding ATVs on the dunes, hot tubbing, swimming in the ocean, hanging out on the beach, and going on an awesome hike. We stayed up late every night playing games, catching up, and making T- shirts. It was a much needed week, and a week we will all remember for years to come. Family is everything, and being away from everyone has been hard. I'm so thankful for the weeks and days we get together. We always play hard and make it worth it!
Seeing awesome friends in Oregon.
Pics during the easy part of an adventurous hike.
The weekend before leaving on our big trip, we committed to purchasing a new home, and committing to a life of better health. We will miss our wonderful neighbors, but will still be within minutes of visiting and serving each other. It'll be an exciting experience meeting new friends and creating new bonds and friendships with our neighbors and new church ward members.
Last weekend, we made our way to a very eventful and exciting time with extended family in Utah. We left the daddy at home to make preparations for listing our beautiful home, and I took 3 crazy kiddos on a 2 day road trip. We loved seeing family, celebrating the fantastic decision of 2 people to get married, and another to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to Dallas Texas. It was a trip to remember, with lots of screaming, crying, and having my sweet little girl freak out whenever I was out of sight. It will be a fun memory for sure!
We stopped to see the girls' grave.
Sharing some dinner in the hotel.
I started a new journey in becoming a health coach for Optavia, and have been blown away by how I feel and the passion I have for being and staying healthy for the rest of my life. I love how the program teaches you how to make lifestyle changes and witness life time transformation. I am so excited to share my knowledge and help people pull together to lift each other up. We all need to have healthy bodies, healthy minds, and healthy finances during this interesting and scary time in our lives. I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences through this unique program.
Alright, enough about me! Here's what's been going on with our crazy crew.
Summer with the TV on.
Best big brother!
Carter started 2nd grade with full distance learning. He loves seeing his classmates, but misses seeing them in person. He is always up for a play date, and has become my little fish. The constant sought out activity is going swimming in our backyard. It's a little tricky with 2 babies, but we always find a way to make our big boy Carter happy. With the adjustment of staying home all the time, our TV has had more time with Carter's favorite shows and video games. I love when he's helpful and I'm often thankful for his willingness to get diapers and babies.
I love this crazy boy of mine
This little sweetheart has been a blessing to our family. He keeps me on my toes with his curious personality, and quietness is never a good sign. He's loud, rambunctious, loves to wrestle with his big brother, and gives his little sister lots of loves and kisses. He may take time to warm up to you, but when he does, you better be ready for lots of affection. When he hears music, he can't help but move and groove. His incredible dance skills make everyone around him smile!
My big 2 year old. |
I can't believe he's 2 years old!!
Sweetest Girl EVER!
This beautiful little lady is the princess and favorite in our family. Although she often has a fiesty attitude, one look at her makes you melt. She loves her mommy more than anything, and has a hard time with new people, but her sweet personality can be felt and recognized by all who meet her. Callie's number one goal in life right now is to walk. We practice everyday and she's getting closer and closer. I'm not ready for by beautiful baby to grow up, but I know she's going to do amazing things. I love this little girl with all my heart.
She's growing up so fast!
Love this crazy family of mine |
Now this man is the head and heart of our family. He's adored by his little boys, and is the best dad and husband anyone could ever wish for. He loves on his children fiercely, and supports me through all my ideas and passions. He is always thinking about the future and making sure we all have the things we want and need. He's always serving others, and trying his best to make our lives fun and full of laughs. He's always willing to give me time by myself, and even surprised me with a night alone while he took the kids. Even though we're not always the best of friends, he let's me know how much he loves me. He is incredible, what more can I say?
Riding on the dunes.
Being at home all the time, and caring for 3 busy energetic children, hasn't been the easiest feat, but at the end of everyday I remember how incredibly blessed I am. I've been keeping up my teaching license by taking classes and started the 5&1 plan with Optavia. I've witnessed incredible blessings of good nutrition, and love that I have energy to play with my kids everyday and create memories with them. I've discovered so many hopes and dreams that I have for myself and my family, and although I'm sad about moving, I'm excited to experience new things, meet new people, and help my children thrive. It's funny how we see so many blessings in hard times, and realize we are never alone. I how this post finds you happy, healthy, and full of love for life! Have an amazing week!!!
This adorable face is always somewhere nearby |