Oh my heart❤ |
Have you ever had moments that you just wished with your whole heart, could last forever? That's what December was full of. So many tender mercies, and so many snuggly nights with my sweet children. Those are the times I often think of our girls too. There would be 5 more times the crying, the sleepless nights, the days when all I have energy to do is help them survive and get through the day, but then there would be 5 more times the kisses, the giggles, the middle of the night snuggles that make my heart ache because they're growing up so fast. 5 more times the crazy outings, Walmart pick up trips, and finding good baby sitters. I am so thankful that I have 3 of God's precious children to have these moments with now. When Callie is a teenager, I'm sure I'll long for the nights I held her in my arms while she slept. When Daxton can talk back, I'll long for those days when he screamed baby babble until I finally figured out he just wanted me to hold him. I already long for days of playing games with Carter and making him bust out giggling with the most gut busting sound. Time is a thief, and that's why we need to make the most of every moment! Here are some of our moments in December.
Christmas PJs! |
7 months of pure cuteness |
This little girl of ours has mastered the talent of getting around without crawling. She's hit teething hard, and she just turned 8 months! She touched snow for the first time, and wasn't really sure about it. Every day I marvel at how much she changes. We love our little princess with all of ours hearts. It's true what they say, "sugar and spice and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of."
Her little face melts my heart |
Our crazy little peanut! |
This little miracle has a huge chunk of our hearts! He just experienced his second Christmas, and unlike last year, he was able to help with all the unwrapping.
Unwrapping gifts |
He loves being outside, hates wearing socks or shoes, and doesn't know that he can totally walk. If he's distracted, he'll walk for miles. Even though he is insanely crazy and mischievous, he fits into our little family perfectly. Our lives would be very empty with out him.
Now he climbs on everything! |
Our sweet boy❤ |
The little boy who gave us the desire to have more children, continues to grow and get older everyday. Although it makes me very sad at times, I am so thankful for the sweet boy he is. He has been a huge help and protective brother. He loves making everyone feel included and even had the idea to help a new kid at school make friends by inviting him over. Although the cookies were my idea, it was incredible to see that he cares for others. He loved helping with the 12 days of Christmas and thought it was awesome every time he ran away fast, so it didn't get caught. Even though he may make me crazy at times, I thank my heavenly father everyday for this sweet boy of mine.
Cookie fun |
Happy 35th birthday! |
Our cute Christmas eve dinner |
This sexy man turned the big 35 new year's eve! He constantly amazes with how much he loves and cares for our children. Who else has a husband that is willing to get up with a baby girl who hasn't figured out the concept of sleeping through the night yet? He makes me want to be better, and I love that about him! December marked an exciting and sad time of moving on with a new company. We loved the time we had with Nestle, but Wonderful seems like it will be a great adventure as well. We're most excited about being able to stay here in the central valley. Here's to a few more years of being Californians!
Group Santa picture🤪 |
Every year that same things happen. I look at December as a crazy time with gift giving, thinking of others, and trying to cram in memorable things for my kiddos. Every year I think, "Next year will be different. I'll be on top of everything and we can just focus on the simplicity of the reason for the season." Then December hits like a tsunami. There were many things I wanted to do that didn't happen, due to sickness, bad planning, and lack of energy. The one thing I did love, however, was that I got to spend everyday with my sweet kiddos. A friend visited from Utah and we had an adventure in LA, kids were sick but we stayed home and sang songs about our savior. I was reminded by my 6 year old everyday, that Christmas was a time to celebrate Jesus. I feel like not everything went right all the time, but we were given magical, tiny, tender mercy moments that helped us get through each and every day.
What do you do in California in the winter? Endless walks and lots of park time with my little cuties. |
I hope 2019 was a wonderful year to all of you. I hope that when you look back on it, you remember how much you are loved and blessed. I'm excited for a new year of new adventures, new things to learn, and magical moments that make this life worth it. Thanks for reading, HAPPY 2020!
She's growing up too fast! |
My boys at the beach in December! |
Carter loved seeing his friends from Utah |
He loves his baby sister. |
These little people, have my whole heart! |