The first day of October, and I can hardly believe it! How has another month slipped past?! It has already been a year since our adventures of California began, and I can tell you that I am a huge fan of our life here! I just wish I had more to document it all. Last year we moved to California with a tiny itty bitty marshalese baby who became a part of our family. Our little girl Callie was only a thought of an incredible possibility.
He's a messy eater |
The cutest 2 babies you ever did see😍 |
Looking back on our September has made me feel so amazingly blessed to have my sweet children, friends and family who are only a day trip away, and fall finally starting to settle in. Who could have thought a scary new adventure could be so wonderful?!
My pretty little princess |
At the beginning of the month, we had the pleasure and privilege of blessing our baby girl. Instead of baptizing babies, we believe that babies are born without transgression. They are perfect and directly from heaven, so we give them a name to be on the records of the church, and we give them a blessing. Our Shanna passed away weeks before we were planning on blessing her. We blessed each of our quads, but family and friends were unable to attend. To finally have a sweet little baby to bless, made me so happy and excited to share it with loved ones.
She's 4 months! |
Well, after being denied the opportunity to share this experience with our California friends due to scheduling issues, we hopped on a plane and flew to Tri Cities Washington. It was in Richland Washington where we stayed with family, enjoyed visiting old friends, and shared our baby girl with many people who know our story. At first I was not happy about this change, but once I heard the news of my grandparents attending, I was beaming with happiness. We share a very special bond, and could not be happier with being able to see and love on them.
4 generations ❤ |
Our little family |
Everyone who attended Callie's blessing |
It seemed like we had a lot of travel adventures in September, because 2 weeks later we hopped on another air plane to Salt Lake City Utah. It was in Utah where Jason participated and finished his first ever triathlon race! We were excited to spend time with fantastic friends and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Bear Lake. The kiddos had a great time playing together, we loved spending time with Carlos and Tyana, and we will always remember the scary race daddy wasn't all the way prepared for. He did it though and crushed a 1 mile swim, 25 mile bike, and 6 mile run! We were so happy to see him survive!
Carter with his best buds in Utah |
He did it! |
Another bonus of our trip was seeing my little sister and her cute family. Due to some bad communication on my end, we were only able to spend a couple of hours together, but we loved getting Aggie ice cream and visiting. It was a great trip! Not to mention the kneader's French toast we had as our last hoorah before we got on our flight back home. It was the best!
Loved seeing my sister and her baby |
Cousins |
The rest of our September was crazy busy with school, soccer games for Carter, teething for Daxton (another tooth popped through!), and sleep regression for our awesome sleeper Callie. Not to mention, Jason was a keynote speaker at a conference representing our foundation and taking about the volunteer work he does for another foundation. We are very proud of him! I often found my self in awe of the wonderful blessings I've been given, and the incredible life I live. Yes life is hard with 2 babies 8 months apart, yes we've had so much loss, but look at all we've learned and all we've been given! Wonderful blessing come from the hard things we go through, and yes, we can do hard things!
Jason as the keynote speaker |
Carter recieved student of the week and was present an award |
I hope you enjoy this beautiful fall weather, and I hope it's not another month before another post, but I make no promises! Happy reading!
Love her to pieces<3 |