This weekend was one of our
best trips. We got to spend a day with family, visit more historical sites, and
end our weekend with an afternoon at the beach. We fell even more in love with
the east coast. The next two weeks are going to go fast and our trip back to
Utah way too soon.
Friday night, Jason got off
work a tiny bit early and we were off! The drive to Charleston went pretty
quick with lots of bathroom trips and jamming out to the Moana sound track. We
also got to plan our trip back to Utah, which made me a little bit more excited
for going back. We finally pulled into our hotel at about 11:15pm. The place we
pulled into was creepy and did not give us a good feeling. After finding out
they did not have our reservation in their system, and seeing the last room
they had left, we drove away on another destination to find a place to sleep.
Our next stop sounded great, and when we pulled up it looked a lot better than
our first choice. Upon arriving we checked in, got our room key, and headed
upstairs to our room for the night. About 10 cockroaches and feeling unsure
about the cleanliness later, we were on our way to another hotel. Three times
must be the charm, because the next hotel was fantastic compared to the other
two. We were finally going to bed at 1am!
We got up
pretty early the next day to start on the adventures we had planned. After
eating a good breakfast we zipped off to Charles towne Landing. It was a pretty
neat state park, where we got to see animals, learn about the history of that
exact place when the first settlers were there, and got a ton of walking it. It
was so fun, and I must say…. I’m so glad we brought a stroller! We had lots of
fun, and it was really neat to learn about the history of that place.
Daddy and his mini me.
We made an eagle friend, he was squawking at us.
Out cute little navigator.
A Cannon!!!
Carter is going to be just like his grandpa. He loves boats!
Next, we
headed to downtown Charleston for some amazing BBQ. It was a bumping place, and
driving down NARROW roads was nerve wracking! We were supposed to meet Jason’s
brother there and eat together. We arrived about 45 min before they did, and
Jason decided to order. The place (Nick’s BBQ) had you order first before you
sit down (we were planning on getting a table and just waiting). After making a
waitress a little upset with us and making us order, We found ourselves in a
little bit of an awkward situation. When Scott showed up with his family, and half
of our food was gone and the rest very cold. Once they got their food things
seemed to be good and we had a really good time catching up.
Our next
stop was Fort Sumter where the civil war began. We took a 30min Ferry ride to
the fort located on a manmade island. It was so neat, and Carter absolutely
loved riding on the ferry. He thought it was the coolest thing! Throw in his
9year old cousin Colton, and he was having the time of his life. He loved every
second! As we were chugging along, we got to see dolphins jumping out of the
water, and we saw some pelicans do some very impressive diving. It was a really
neat ride.
around the fort was pretty cool. Carter got to see more cannons, the adults got
to run after the kiddos and miss most of the history of it all, but it was so
good to be with family and so fun to be learning about American History. The
hour we were allotted on the island seemed to go by very quickly, and before we
knew it we were back on the boat headed to the mainland. I was a little sad
about heading back too, because that meant we had to say goodbye to Scott, Kim,
and Colton. We really liked spending the day with them.
Carter and Daddy checking out the sights.
Carter really likes cannons.
Carter and Colton. They were best buddies ,3
Getting ready to go back on the Ferry.
All of us at Fort Sumter <3
Once back on
land, we visited for a little while. The boys played near a fountain and we
tried to stretch our time for as long as we could. It seemed like seconds after
however, we had to say our goodbyes and let them get back to their home in
Florida. That’s when Carter, Jason, and I decided to go bowling.
The boys at the fountain.
Now everyday Carter says, "should we go bowling>"
After having
a fun time bowling the worst game in history for me, and splitting my thumb
nail down the middle, we were on the search for some yummy ice cream. We
settled with frosties and headed back to our hotel. Once there I was out within
minutes and Jason watched Over the Hedge with Carter. Getting 15,000 steps
really took it out of me.
Sunday was a
fun day! We woke up, got dressed for church, eat breakfast, and headed to the
Summerville South Carolina 1st Ward services. Once Sacrament meeting
was over, we jumped in the car yet again, and headed to Myrtle Beach South
Carolina. It was a gorgeous day, and 80 degrees! There was so much to see and
so much to do there. After parking and changing out clothes, we ate lunch at
this yummy sub and pizza place, and then headed down to the beach. Carter
absolutely loves the ocean, and Jason and I love to see him run and play. He
tried to catch a whole bunch of seagulls and got soaking wet. Apparently the
coldness of the water didn’t phase him one bit. There was a moment when I was
so thankful for the beautiful world around me, and so thankful for my little
family. I am truly blessed.
Myrtle beach
Carter loved being at the beach!
My boys and the beach... is there anything better?
He's going to catch one, one of these days!
The ride
home was pretty uneventful. I am going to miss coming home to this apartment
here. I miss our little home in Spanish Fork so much, but this apartment has
become a piece of us and it’ll be so hard to leave. We have 2 full weeks left
here, and sadly I think they are going to go by extremely fast. Until next
time, Happy Reading!