Today is October 17th. 6 months ago was the day my baby girl was born. Through all the things we knew she would go through, that was one of the happiest days of my life. I will never forget that special moment I was able to hold her after she was born. Her little broken body seemed so perfect. She was the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen and I wanted so badly to take everything she'd have to go through away. Now the number 17 is a painful day when I realize she is no longer here with me. My Shanna girl would have been 6 months on this day. I often wonder, what would she be like? what would she be doing? How big would she be? Would I finally hear her laugh? The possibility of her still living, breaks my heart. My baby girl, what is she doing now? Who is taking care of her in heaven? Does she know how much I miss her? Does she know how much I love her?
My beautiful Shanna |
I Love her face in this picture. Sleepy newborn <3 |
My warrior princess was in her car seat so much. |
This picture will always touch my heart. |
The plan of our Heavenly Father is the most perfect and wonderful plan for all of his children. Losing Shanna has taught me that my Heavenly Father does love me. I am never alone in all of the hard things that I go through in this life. He has put so many angels in my path who have given me the strength to carry on, and I have been able to comfort those who have been chosen for the hardest trials of losing a child. We are God's children, and He loves us dearly. We go through hard things to make us stronger and help us learn. The blessings of eternity will be poured upon us if we endure this life with faith and trust in Him. Every day it hurts not to have my beautiful little girl here with me, but everyday is a day closer to being able to have the opportunity to raise her. Everyday is a day that I am able to try harder to be my best. I understand the tiniest bit more that she was meant to leave this life the way she did. She came here to do all that she needed to, and some day I will see her again.

For now, the wonderful things that help me get out of bed everyday, are the blessings I am continually blessed with and recognize everyday! I have amazing neighbors and friends. I have an incredible husband and family. I have the knowledge of the great plan of happiness and I have a loving father in heaven that knows what I need and I know he'll take care of me. My life is a gift. My life has a plan. My life has a purpose, in heaven it began.
Here are some happenings of the Osborn family in the last couple of weeks.
One of the hardest working people I know. He's had the opportunity to travel a couple of times for work. Our biggest adventure with Nestle is yet to come. Although Carter and I have missed daddy, we are so proud of him and all he does!
Jason got to go to Logan and visit some of our friends while working. |
Running, running, and more running! October 29th will be my 3rd half marathon in a super long time! Shortly after, the adventures of the Vegas Ragnar will begin. When not trying to get up the motivation to run, I've been teaching pre-school, working on household projects, and trying hard to keep up my energy.
Carter and I riding the train at the zoo. |
Carter had been attending a co-op preschool with some of his friends. While not at preschool, he loves to read, play cars, and tell his mommy and daddy how much he loves them. Riding in the jogging stroller has become a not so favorite past time, and He takes any chance he gets to play with friends and make others laugh. He is the sunshine of our family.
Are those googles.... why yes, yes they are! |
Pre-school boy <3 |
Silly, handsome boy. |
Pushing his bestie |
Pumpkin Patch with friends! |
He loves his googles! |
Olympic Park in Park City |
At the zoo with cousins! |
Aunt Siehara and cousin Carmen (oh and mommy's finger) |
He's still my sweet little baby :) |