July 26, 2015

Osborn Craziness & Fun!

How could you not love being the mom of this super cutie! I <3 him!
Well hello again. It seems I have let the blogging world slip through my fingers again. Here I am finally, to give you an update on what our little family has been doing.

We went camping for the first time in a year! It was so fun to have a fire, and make tin foil dinners for the first time. I loved it, and it actually got super cold at night which I LOVE. Who doesn’t love to snuggle nice and tight in warm blankets?! Carter did awesome, but we didn’t bring his pack n’ play and decided to let him sleep with us. Well ladies and gentlemen… that is a BAD idea if you are looking for a restful night of sleep. Several times I was kicked, my head was laid on, and I couldn’t help but laugh as Carter told his daddy to “stop it,” while he was snoring away and sleeping like a log. He loved every second of being outside.

We have made some pretty awesome friends here in Spanish Fork! For the fourth, we were able to spend some time with our neighbors/friends and it was so fun. Carter has a little girl friend that he talks about all the time, and he loved the fact that we played so long at their house. When the time came for fireworks however, I found myself cuddling our sweet little boy and reassuring him he was safe. Poor thing was not liking the loud noises and eventually ended inside, by himself, watching a movie. I was sad he wasn’t enjoying himself, but then again he did get to watch Cars so maybe it wasn’t so bad after all.

Our neighbors are amazing people and watched our little monkey while we escaped from the world, and went to the Payson Utah Temple for the first time. What a beautiful place! It is so wonderful to have a place to escape all the crazy and to be mesmerized by beauty and the feeling of peace. A spiritual recharge is NEVER a bad idea, it helps get you through life.

 Carter and I took a grand adventure to Washington for 10 days! It was so fun to be with family, but we missed daddy like mad. Carter is a pretty good little traveler, and with his sweet little cousin Carmen in the backseat with him, he even provided some entertainment. By the time we stopped in Oregon for the night, he was pretty loopy. I’m pretty sure he said he was crazy a million times. Thanks goodness for sleep J

We spent a couple of days at my parents’ house before packing all our stuff again and heading out on a 4 day camping extravaganza. While there we were able to see many friends and friendly faces we haven’t seen for ages. We were able to get together with some family and enjoy a delicious dinner.  I was also able to meet my friend’s baby for the first time. Sweet little Hazel stole my heart until she soaked me in spit up. She soaked her mom as well and we couldn’t help but laugh. That is what you get with newborns.
I can't believe she is crawling!!!
Best buds :)
Sweet little melodies.
Trying to escape. Carter was being a good boy though and was looking out for her

Camping was amazing! We went to Lake Chelan in Chelan Washington and lived in our swimming suits. Every day we got to play in the beautiful water and Carter couldn’t get enough of the sand. It was in every nook and cranny on his body and covered everything in our tent. We only had one bad night where Carter woke up the entire state park in the middle of the night, but other than that we were pretty happy campers. I was so glad that my sweet sister stayed with me and helped me with my little stinker. It’s hard doing the single mom thing and I’ve decided to never do it again lol (that’s what I said last time).

On our way to Lake Chelan. We got to ride in Grandpa's truck!
On our way to the lake. It was fun sitting with my sweet boy.
Cutie little Carmen!
Isn't he so cute?! I love this little man <3
Carter with auntie Kira and Uncle Andres
First day out on the water. We had so much fun!

Me and my little guy. He didn't stay in the water for long :(

My dad sure loves sailing

Drying off

Building sand castles with Grandma and Grandpa! The best!

Carmen and her mommy <3

Carter just wanted to play in the sand all day.

Carmen and her mommy on the water.
Well Carter and I were enjoying ourselves in Washington, Jason was a lone ranger. He said he didn’t enjoy being a bachelor again, but boy was he spoiled. He was able to attend an empty nesters dinner, be spoiled by family in town with free dinners, and he went to a Salt Lake Bee’s baseball game. While I was chasing down a two year old in the dirt and sand, Jason was living the life. Sunday when we finally arrived home, we both felt like it was Christmas! Nothing is better than having your daddy/husband!
Oh man, I LOVE these two like CRAZY!
While I was away our amazing garden continued to grow. In fact I am pretty sure it grew so well because I was gone. We picked 5 giant zucchini! Needless to say, we’ve had zucchini with all of our meals since we’ve been back. Every. Single. One. Good thing I LOVE zucchini.
Here's the ones Jason picked while we were in Washington!

This week was Fiesta Days in Spanish Fork, and we were able to enjoy a concert and picnic in the park, a pretty awesome Rodeo, a super long and exciting parade, and lots of time with family! Carter even wanted to ride rides at the fair part of Fiesta Days! I was blown away, but then again he is obsessed with cars and motorcycles! It was super great J My sweet little niece even started walking! I love that we are so close to family now and can see them whenever we’d like. They are all pretty awesome, I LOVE them! The only thing I could have done without, is the sunburn on half my body lol. I guess I’ll be looking a little uneven for a while.
Eating dinner in the park, So much fun!

Carter and Daddy on our blanket for our picnic.

Kira, "the fave aunt," at the parade with us!

Carter loved the parade, but the fire trucks were super loud!

After the parade we saw a pony!

Can you tell I look like 2 face? Carter got a lot of sun and just got darker!

Oh yeah baby! He loved every second... well for the most part :)

We got a date! This was right before the rodeo. Best seats ever! Almost touched a horse we were so close!

I started my own business a while back and have been trying to get the hang of things. I decided to be a consultant for Usborne Books & More selling some of the most fun children’s books I’ve ever read. It has been some hard work especially with balancing being a mom and taking classes to renew my teaching license. If you ever have a moment, you should check out my website, or better yet book a party with me! http://J4614.myubam.com Ha ha, maybe I have been working on it a little too much lately. I’ve really missed teaching and selling children’s books has let me get the little taste back, so really… check it out!

Well that is our family now a days. I hope you are all taking advantage of life’s little adventures. Sometimes they can be pretty fun. Happy reading!