Why hello everyone! I
know that it is the 2nd week of November and I am just now posting
about our Halloween, but life seems to be so crazy and well here we are.
It was Carter’s first Halloween! You already heard about our
awesome experience with carving pumpkins, but dressing up and going out was a
whole new experience. In Spring Creek no
one goes trick or treating, but there are things going on in Elko and our ward
had a trunk or treat. We got Carter the cutest pirate costume and had to take
him out to experience Halloween. Jason and I threw costumes together, bought a
couple of giant bags of candy and headed out to our ward building. When we
arrived we were shocked at how many people actually showed up. I guess no one
told us all of Spring Creek actually comes to the trunk-or-treat…
Daddy and Carter are ready to party! |
Mommy and Carter ready to go :) |
Our little pirate family <3 |
As we pulled into a parking space we realized we totally
didn’t buy anything to decorate our trunk with, and it was actually freezing
outside. So what did we do? Kept Carter in his car seat and set him in the
trunk so he could just chill and look at all the scary costumes. I’m pretty
sure we would have won best decorated car, because everyone commented on our
cute little decoration. Some people didn’t realize Carter was actually real,
and a group of little girls walking by freaked out because we were the cutest
pirate family. I’m so glad we weren’t considered the lame ones for not
decorating our trunk.
Our trunk decoration :) |
Carter and Daddy at the trunk-or-treat |
Jason and I handed out candy for about 5 minutes and
completely ran out!!! I could not believe how fast those bags of candy went! That
gave us the excuse to wrap up our sweet baby pirate and walk around to see all
the other trunks and get candy of course. Carter wasn’t really impressed with
the idea of walking around and getting candy he didn’t get to eat, but he sure
did have a fun time playing with it after wards.
Look at all that candy! |
The rest of our week was very relaxing and fun. Carter
started crawling all over the place and getting into everything his little
hands can reach. He was also able to go to a fancy restaurant with us for date
night, and sat in a little high chair for the first time. He was so good while
we ate dinner, but I think it’s because he thought it was the neatest thing to
be sitting in a high chair. He sure did attract a lot of attention with his
beautiful eyes of his. I’m pretty sure he is going to be the biggest ladies’
man when he gets older.
looking so innocent... |
Showing off his moves :) |
Not so innocent anymore....
During the next week we were counting down the days to see
our awesome friends in Logan Utah. We had planned to stay an entire weekend
with them after Jason’s ortho appointment on Thursday. Monday I got a phone
call from my mom that changed everything. My uncle John had suddenly passed
away. No one was expecting it and knew the answer as to why he had died. He clasped
at work and they were unable to revive him. Our weekend plans suddenly changed
to attend a funeral for a dear sweet man.
Thursday we were still able to make it to Jason’s ortho
appointment and received exciting new that in 2 appointments they’ll be coming
off! Then we crashed at our friends place in Logan to make up for canceling and
help break our trip to Oregon up so we weren’t in the car too long for Carter.
In Logan we let our little ones play, had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings, and
stayed up into the wee hours of the morning with a movie and ice cream. We were
sad to have to leave the next morning, but it was so good to be able to get to
my grandma’s house and give each of my family members a hug.
Jace and Carter chilling at Buffalo Wild Wings |
Friday night they held a viewing at the church. Many showed
to pay their respects and say their goodbyes. We were told many stories about
the memorial held in his honor Thursday afternoon. John was a wonderful man who
was so loving and loved by so many people that he worked with. His family was
so touched by all the stories that were told about him and amazed to see all
the people who would truly miss him.
Saturday was the funeral and despite having to say goodbye and
bawling like a baby the whole time, the services were wonderful and it was a celebration
of his life. I know that I’ll see my uncle again, it just won’t be in this
life. He is where he needs to be. Something I found very comforting from all of
this, is that he can finally see his kids again. He loved them with all of his
heart. After not being able to see them for 10 plus years, he can look at them
every day now. He will be an angel watching over them. I was able to see family members I haven’t
seen for years, share stories about my dear uncle, and show off my cute little
Carter. I’m pretty sure Carter was being passed around 90% of the time we were
there. He was loving it too. Every time I looked for him he was with someone
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We love and miss you Uncle John! |
RIP Uncle John... until we meet again! |
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We saw him when it was time to eat :) |
That night while everyone went to see a movie, Carter had
some time to play with my cousin who happens to be his age. He was also
attacked by a tiny Chihuahua puppy and cuddled by his daddy. He was loving life
and loving the fact that it wasn’t as loud with everyone there.
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Chilling at great grandma's house |
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2nd cousin time with Deklan |
The little puppy loved little Carter |
Sunday was spent saying goodbyes to everyone and heading to
our home. It’s so funny how I want to get out of here so bad during the week,
but I am so thankful to come back at the end of the weekend. We are actually
hoping for no adventures until Thanksgiving, but that never really works out.
Until our next adventure, happy reading!
Our little cutie being so good in the car :) |